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Be Who You Are, Do What You Love,
Get Paid Extremely Well, Live Fearlessly.

Welcome to MyPortalX

How does it work?

The portal is a Clients-centered result oriented environment, which provides blueprints for the coach to follow and help their clients create a breakthrough in the area of the life, that the client is struggling with. The portal works as a communication bridge between the client & coach and also serves as a daily measurement & accountability tool to keep progress on track.
What is MyPortalX ?

MyPortalX is a online application to create a lasting change in any area of life.It provides several tools to support the change, as well as daily accountibility & guidance.

How much income can I make?

The average coaching fee, according to industry standards are $350 to $1000 per month, based on the kind of coaching your provide. The basic portal account is setup for 15 clients. Your income is proportionate to the effort you put in to acquire & retain clients on regular basis. Therefore, it will be hard for us to determine your income.

Who is it for?

The portal is for Life Coaches, Yoga Teachers, Energy healers, or any transformation entrepreneur who to use coaching as a medium to create change in client's life & create a sustainable primary or secondary income.

Do you provide training or marketing support.

Yes,we will provide initial onboarding support to use the portal and additinal training & marketing service is available for a additional fee.

Features of MyPortalX

Gratitude Journal

Keep Grounded Turn pain into joy

Appointment Scheduler

Take action NOW!​

Daily Accountability Score

Be responsible for your actions & results


Stay connected

Quantum Chakra Imaging

Pay attention! Your Body is communicating

Wheel Of Life

Keep Grounded Turn pain into joy

Intention Setting

Follow your passion Intention gives purpose

Coaching Corner

Your success is our success

Negative Energy Detox

Clear & Shield your energy field

Web site Creator

Easy launch and access for your client

Marketing Module

Instant income Potential

On Going Support

On boarding and basic support is included

21 Days to Create a Lasting Change

Start out with strong motivation

Research has shown that it takes 21 days to create a lasting change. If you have tried to create a conscious change in the past,you know that we start out with strong motivation and great intentions.However,our behavior pattern is governed by our sub conscious mind and we do not have control on the external stimulus.This triggers the self sabotage and our mind falls prey to the habitual behavior and before we know we are back in the same rut.

The Gates of Change Open From Within

Start out with strong motivation

The gates of change open from within. You have the power to create the life you desire.Our portal is designed to make sure that you stay on top of your game for the 21 days,by keeping a daily score you are able to make changes immediately and not fall prey to self sabotage.Besides, your personal coach can direct you on a regular basis to help you get past the threshold.Self limiting beliefs can be removed from the subconcious mind by the use of rituals. Our negative energy detox is created with this principle in mind.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction guaranteed

Low startup cost

Complete training for portal use

Manage multiple clients with ease

Low monthly cost with great roi potential

Cancel anytime

No contracts

All plans can be changed anytime

Plus :
Business development training available

Marketing support available

Development and tech support available


Rajah Sharma

Developer of MyportalX


I am Urban Yogi,
Business Strategy Coach,
Growth Mentor,
